Shah Rukh Khan and Suhana Khan team up in the highly anticipated action extravaganza ‘King’. As per the reports, the film is being made on a massive budget of 200 crore. Directed by Sujoy Gosh and co-produced by Red Chillies with director Siddharth Anand. Earlier it was speculated that he would have an extended cameo in the film, but later it was learned that the lead role will be played by SRK alongside Suhana. 

King stands as a testament to his dedication, being a passion project where he’s deeply immersed in every facet of its creation, collaborating closely with directors Siddharth Anand and Sujoy Gosh throughout the development process. 

Siddharth Anand is presently working on action blocks with the international stunt team. Meanwhile, Sujoy is fully engaged in the pre-production of ‘King’ while also putting the finishing touches on the script of this action thriller.

SRK is to play the role of a Don whereas Suhana is to play Khan’s disciple in his upcoming ‘King’, as per Pinkvilla ‘He will sport a long hair look with a faint beard in King, and the makers will be surprised the audience with this avatar once the film goes on floors later this year in September’.

Shah Rukh Khan is actively to his audience’s desire to see him explore shades of grey on screen. The Father-daughter duo has already begun the prep for it.

As per the report training sessions are taking place at Mannat and Suhana is being accompanied by her Father. It is being said that Trainers of International repute are coming together to train SRK and Suhana on some new-age action sequences.  The team plans to shoot the action scenes as a hybrid of real action and notably the VFX enhancement and stunts will be designed with the stunt experts from the west. 

Fans can anticipate heartfelt moments between the father and daughter duo in the film. King is slated to hit theaters in 2025, although the official release date is yet to be announced.

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