On Wednesday evening, at approximately 8.20 pm, a fire was reported in the Madanpura area of Byculla in Mumbai. According to the officials, the Level 1 fire incident was reported at Lohaki Chawl, located in the vicinity of Al Reyan Tower in Madanpura. The incident was reported by Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation`s Municipal Fire Brigade (MFB) and was swiftly addressed. An update on the incident provided at 10:10 pm, which stated the fire was successfully extinguished by the dedicated efforts of the firefighting teams. No injuries were reported in connection with the incident.

According to the officials, the fire was localised to battery shops situated within a two-story structure. At the time of the report, firefighting operations were actively underway, with one large hose line and one smaller line in operation. The quick response ensured that the fire was contained to the affected area.

Multiple agencies were mobilised to the scene to tackle the blaze comprehensively. In addition to the BMC`s MFB, the local police, BEST Supply, and Ward Control were all involved in managing the situation, highlighting the coordinated effort to mitigate the incident`s impact.

The incident escalated to a Level 1 classification at 8:32 pm, signifying the potential severity of the fire. In response, the following team was deployed to the site: Assistant Divisional Fire Officer (ADFO), Senior Station Officer (Sr SO), two Station Officers (SO), four fire engineers (FE), two junior technicians (JT), one aerial work platform (AWTT), one fire bike and one `108` ambulance was also dispatched as a precautionary measure.

While the incident was significant in scale, the good news is that there were no reported injuries, and the response teams acted efficiently to prevent the fire from spreading further.

The incident was updated at 8:43 pm, as per the latest available information. The fire authorities continue to monitor the situation and ensure that all necessary measures are taken to completely extinguish the fire and prevent any potential rekindling. As the situation develops, further updates will be provided to the public.

Recently, a fire broke out at Kirtikar Market, near Kabutarkhana in Dadar. The civic officials said the incident was reported at 01.39 am by the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation`s (BMC) Municipal Fire Brigade (MFB). The official further said the fire was extinguished by 04.40 am, and no injuries were reported.

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