Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde, on Friday, ordered action against those who are lax about the cleanliness in Mumbai. In his direction to Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation chief Iqbal Chahal, CM Shinde said not just major roads but all alleyways across the city should be well maintained. According to a statement from the Chief Minister’s Office, CM Shinde said, “No laxity will be tolerated in terms of cleanliness across the city. The matter should be taken seriously by the sanitation department of the BMC.”

CM Shinde, while returning from an event held at Mazgaon dock, had spotted that roads in the area were in poor condition and unsanitary as the waste, clutter and debris were lying in the open. Having witnessed this site, he phoned the BMC chief and administrator Chahal and ordered him to clean every nook and corner across the city, the statement read.

He also directed that garbage should not be seen on the streets of the city and ordered the removal of clutter and debris. The civic chief was told to deploy all the concerned persons—from assistant commissioners, ward officers, and sanitation inspectors to sanitation workers of the municipal corporation in the cleanliness drive.

The municipal commissioner has assured CM Shinde that action will be taken against concerned officials pertaining to the unsanitary roads in the Mazgaon dock area and that in the next seven days, the civic body will undertake a cleanliness drive of all wards and their surroundings and the beaches in Mumbai on war footing.

Apart from the sanitation work, CM Shinde also directed the civic chief to ensure the beautification work undertaken at designated spots across the city is completed as well.

Mumbai Beautification work

The BMC, in February, had announced that it will undertake 320 beautification works, cement concretisation of 52 kilometres of roads as well as upgrading of sewage lines across the city. The work would include cement concretisation of 111 roads with a cumulative length of 52 km of which 24 roads were in the eastern suburbs, 61 in the western and 26 in the island city. In December last year, the BMC had also undertaken 500 beautification works of which they had completed 121 by February. 

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