Indian Railways online train ticket: Step-by-step guide for using IRCTC eWallet

IRCTC online ticket booking: Payment wallet service IRCTC eWallet is provided by the Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC) which can be used as one of the payment methods for booking train tickets. The IRCTC eWallet has many features including- no payment gateway charges per ticket, online wallet top-up, no dependency on a specific bank’s network and easy refunds in case of ticket cancellation. The IRCTC eWallet app also provides transaction history, wallet payment history and transaction password security features.

Indian Railways online ticket booking: Here’s are step-by-step guide for train bookings on IRCTC.

IRCTC said on their website that it “offers secure booking through IRCTC eWallet by providing a transaction password/ PIN Number that is required to be entered for every booking done through IRCTC eWallet. Further, when any of the provided banks go offline, you can still book tickets from your IRCTC eWallet account.”

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