Do you know what the stars hold for you in terms of love life, career, business and personal wellness today? Well, read on to know your astrological predictions as per your zodiac sign for June 7.

March 21 – April 20
Too much conversation is in itself an energy drainer. Keep other work in mind when agreeing to a new deadline.
Cosmic tip: Choose times to remain absolutely silent- just being.

April 21 – May 20
Life is good, as the mystery and enigma that is life gradually come into focus bringing clarity. You want company, yet prefer being alone.
Cosmic tip: Don’t make emotionally rash decisions.

May 21 – June 21
Control insecurity as the light at the end of the tunnel is visible now. Be patient.
Cosmic tip: Maintain trust even if people try to influence you to think otherwise.

June 22 – July 23
Smaller issues at work are more important to unravel. Larger ones are resolved because of this.
Cosmic tip: Use love as a means for change, bringing a closeness you’ve craved.

July 24 – Aug 23
Minor repairs are carried out. Maintain self- respect, giving others the same honour.
Cosmic tip: Try not to be over confident. It’s better to err on the side of predictable caution.

Aug 24 – Sept 23
Singles enter the marriage dasha. A business meeting takes you out of town. Today is favourable for negotiations and meetings.
Cosmic tip: Be thoughtful and circumspect about what you say.

Sept 24 – Oct 22
Work hassles/ anxieties are dealt with superbly. Be aware of tone of voice when speaking with team members.
Cosmic tip: Don’t respond to someone unnaturally boosting your self-esteem. You’ll regret it.

Oct 23 – Nov 22
Singles enter a karmic cycle of finding love and romance. Giving caring and nurturing selflessly to family is appreciated. Be peaceful.
Cosmic tip: Intentionally send positive vibes into the universe

Nov 23 – Dec 22
You were quite content sometime back, so go back to having that mind-set once more.
Cosmic tip: Keep a balance between too much soul- searching and living in total non-awareness..

Dec 23 – Jan 20
Make decisions after careful thought. A positive karmic cycle is a magnet for good luck in all aspects.
Cosmic tip: Offer support when needed and request support when needed.

Jan 21 – Feb 19
A celebration with family promises to be enjoyable. Gently but clearly refuse if someone impinges on priorities and valuable time.
Cosmic tip: Follow a timeline for when you stop work every day.

Feb 20 – March 20
Encourage input from others as an exchange of ideas brings clarity. Keep daily routine relaxed and stress-free.
Cosmic tip: Ask yourself if there’s any need to be so belligerently assertive.

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