Rahu and Ketu can also be pacified by the ash.

It is said that using the ashes of Holika can also rectify Vastu defects in the house.

The colourful festival of Holi is just around the corner. One day prior to that, the customary Holika Dahan – the symbolic process of burning the demoness Holika in a bonfire – will take place. During Holika Dahan, people traditionally burn Holika, a symbolic representation of evil, using wood. As a result, ash from the burnt Holika remains. Interestingly, this ash is believed to possess certain spiritual properties that can help remove various negative obstacles in life. It is said that using the ash of Holika can also rectify Vastu defects in the house and potentially enhance one’s source of income.

This practice reflects the cultural and spiritual significance attributed to Holika Dahan in Hindu tradition. Rahu and Ketu can also be pacified by the ash. This all comes from the knowledge of Astrologer Pandit Manohar Acharya, who talked to Local18 about it and said that if the ash left after Holika Dahan is brought and sprinkled in all the corners of the house, Vaastu defects can be removed. According to Pandit Manohar Acharya, this also brings peace in the household, especially in families that are engaged in fights and squabbles. The ash is believed to be able to spread love and harmony among family members.

According to tradition, he suggested that after Holika Dahan, the remaining ashes can be collected and placed in a red cloth along with a coin. This bundle can then be kept in the safe of the house. It is believed that by doing so, the safe will remain full and new sources of income may open up.

According to the astrologer, after Holika Dahan, taking a handful of ashes and offering them on the Shivling of Lord Shiva can help alleviate the effects of Rahu-Ketu. Additionally, it is believed that the ash has powerful healing properties, such that if a sick person applies tilak with the ash continuously for a month, it may contribute to improving their health.

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