The 32-year-old model-actor, who was released on bail in a rape case on the condition that he would marry the complainant but later surrendered before the police again, was finally released on bail without any conditions on Saturday, on a cash bond of Rs 40,000.

The man was booked and arrested by the Amboli police on May 20, 2022. After spending five months in jail, he was granted bail by the Bombay High Court on October 20, 2022, on the condition that he would marry the complainant within 60 days. He then decided to find out more about the woman before getting married and discovered that she has also implicated others in false cases. The model then surrendered again in April, as he didn’t want to marry the woman, and was sent to Arthur Road jail.

“The woman has implicated around three people in Mumbai including me, six in Delhi, and three elsewhere in false cases. Two rape accused have been acquitted and the others are out on bail. This woman has made it her profession to falsely implicate people and later settle with them,” the model said.

He alleged that the woman has been married and divorced twice. “She is 42 years old and the people she targets are less than 30 years of age. She has two Aadhaar cards and passports with different dates of birth. I have complained about her to the Mumbai police and demanded an inquiry,” he said.

While hearing his fresh bail plea, the court considered his view that the relationship between him and the complainant was consensual as they are adults who were living together. The court removed the rape section from the case but kept IPC Sections 504 and 324, which are bailable.

Speaking with mid-day after his release, the model said his fresh application before the court was heard on April 21, after which it recalled the previous order and asked him to surrender on April 22. “I was sent to Arthur Road jail. I made a fresh application which was heard in the same court but in front of a different judge,” he said, adding that the court understood the truth of the matter, granted him bail, and removed sections pertaining to rape.

The model further said that the false allegation had ruined his life and future prospects in Bollywood. “I can only imagine what a difficult time my family went through. It seems there is only darkness in my life… I am going through a lot of mental stress,” he said, adding that whenever someone in a live-in relationship makes such allegations, the matter should be thoroughly investigated before any arrests are made. “Otherwise, an innocent person’s life may be ruined as has happened to me.”

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