NEW DELHI: Madhya Pradesh chief minister has applauded Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s efforts for dealing with Cyclone Biparjoy which recently hit parts of Gujarat. Congratulating Modi on behalf of the citizens of his state, he said the PM’s farsightedness and effective strategy has given the countrymen a protective cover along with happiness and prosperity.
In a blog, the MP CM said cyclonic storms keep hitting India almost every year, be it in the Arabian Sea or in the Bay of Bengal. If we look at the events of the last two to three decades, a large number of people had to suffer in addition to the loss of life and property due to the dangerous storms that India had to face. “However, several precious lives were saved owing to the precautionary preparations made by the central and state governments after receiving information about Cyclone Biparjoy, which hit Gujarat recently,” he said.
Chouhan said Prime Minister Modi has always emerged as the head of the house who betrays alertness, patience, prudence and seriousness and succeeds in reducing the magnitude of the crisis to zero during calamities like the historical character Dhirodatta, a hero who is self-controlled and exalted.
He said in the last nine years of Prime Minister Modi’s tenure, it has been proved time and again that he does not lose patience in any disaster when it comes to saving the lives of the countrymen. He confronts them with well thought out strategies, be they cyclones, heavy rains, floods, any threat to the security and integrity of the country or a global pandemic like Covid-19. With his action plans, he has been able to manage the prevention of loss of life and other damages effectively, he said.
The chief minister said the PM’s guidance and strategies proved effective in dealing with the recent cyclone Biparjoy. The PM alerted the governing and administrative machinery ahead of time to deal with the looming crisis. He himself chaired high-level meetings with the agencies and the central and Gujarat governments to ensure that the residents of the affected areas of the cyclone were transported to safer places and maintenance of essential arrangements like electricity, water, health and telecommunication was ensured, he said.
Chouhan further said the prime minister also ensured the safety of the animals, which is a testimony to his sensitivity. As a result of the instructions of the PM that the control rooms worked day and night and continue to do so, he added.
The MP CM said, “In the last about one decade, a lot of efforts have been made to prevent loss of life due to cyclones in different regions of India. In the advance arrangements made to deal with Biparjoy cyclone, public safety was kept on priority. The Meteorological Department had forecast that there could be rain with strong winds in many states of India. In view of these circumstances, concrete security arrangements were made in the respective states by chalking out an effective action plan. I believe that loss of lives due to the effect of Biparjoy could be prevented because of all these arrangements.”
Chouhans said about 58% of the land area in India is prone to earthquakes of moderate to very high intensity and more than 40 million hectares of area, which comes to 12% of the country’s land area, remains prone to floods. “We have about 5,700 km of coastal area and up to 7,516 km of cyclone and Tsunami-prone area. Keeping all these things in mind, the prime minister has paid a lot of attention to the strategies of disaster management so that the poor people affected by the disaster do not suffer loss of life and property,” he said.
According to Chouhan, the first and most important point in the disaster management strategy adopted by the prime minister is pre-disaster management and preparation. Despite this, if a disaster occurs and the preparations prove to be inadequate and if the disaster causes damage, then complete preparations for rehabilitation should be made besides reconstruction and restoration of normalcy after rehabilitation. “The PM has put together all these points in his management strategy. Due to his efforts, today disaster management is essentially included in the process of development in our country,” he said.
Apart from this, he said, the prime minister has further strengthened the role of all the ministries related to disaster management. He has linked ministries like atomic energy, civil aviation, earth sciences, environment and forests, home, health, railways, space and water resources to preparedness for the management of disasters, he said.
Chouhan noted that the prime minister has also emphasised on modernising the systems for forecasting and warning of disasters and using the latest systems, so that all the concerned agencies are aware of the forecasting of disasters by playing their active role. “PM Modi is also in constant contact with the World Meteorological Organisation, the Pacific Tsunami Warning System and other regional and global organisations,” he added.

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