Ash gourd resembles a watermelon in terms of shape and colour.

Ash gourd is a fruit with a low-calorie content. It contains ample amounts of water, fibre, and other valuable nutrients.

The Ash gourd, scientifically known as Benincasa hispida, is a fruit that grows in certain regions of South Asia. It is also referred to by other names such as winter melon, wax gourd, white pumpkin, and Chinese watermelon. The ash gourd bears similarity to a watermelon in shape and colour. As the fruit ripens, the fuzzy outer surface of the gourd transforms into a powdery ash-like coating, giving it its name. Ash gourd has a mild flavour resembling that of a cucumber, and it is widely used in Chinese and Indian cuisine to enhance the taste of various dishes.

The fruit has a low-calorie content and contains ample amounts of water, fibre, and other valuable nutrients. It is frequently used in traditional medicine for the prevention and treatment of different health conditions. Moreover, it serves as a versatile ingredient that can be incorporated into a variety of dishes.

Benefits of Ash Gourd

Can improve digestion

The combination of ash gourd’s low-calorie, low-carbohydrate, high-water, and high-fibre composition offers a range of nutrients that can support digestive well-being and aid in weight management.

Potential uses of ash gourd for asthma

Ash gourd is rich in compounds such as Alonusenol and Multiflorenol, which exhibit potential benefits against asthma by lowering histamine levels. In asthmatic patients, histamine can cause bronchoconstriction (bronchospasm) by activating the H1 receptors on the smooth muscles of the lungs.

May help in managing diabetes

The low carbohydrate content of ash gourd may have a positive effect on diabetes management by potentially reducing blood sugar levels. The hypoglycemic properties of ash gourds can lead to a decrease in blood sugar levels, potentially impacting them to fall below the normal range.

May reduce inflammation

Researchers have observed that extracts derived from ash gourd have the potential to lower inflammation levels in the body. Inflammation is considered a fundamental factor in the development of numerous chronic ailments.

May prevent ulcers

Studies suggest that extracts derived from ash gourd may have a preventive effect against the development of stomach ulcers.

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