Respecting your life partner is non-negotiable.

Celebrate small wins and cherish the renewed connection. Remember, rebuilding takes time, so be gentle with yourselves and each other

Mending a broken relationship requires patience, understanding, and a genuine desire to rebuild trust. Acknowledge the past hurts, but don’t dwell on them. Focus on open communication, empathy, and a willingness to compromise. Celebrate small wins and cherish the renewed connection. Remember, rebuilding takes time, so be gentle with yourselves and each other.

Jeevika Sharma, Relationship Coach, shares things to remember when you are patching up again.

  1. Do not dig into your partner’s past. In the time of separation, you both must have dated or gone around with a lot of people. Do not try to do the same thing like you did about your partner as it could backfire and there would be fights again.
  2. Clear what you both want from each other. Patching up again requires the couple to discuss the expectations from each other and convey their thought too.
  3. Take it slowly. Do not rush to get into a relationship. Give it a few weeks. So end time with each other and then get back into the relationship again. There is a need to curb the gap between you both.
  4. Spend time with each other. Take a least 1-2 days a week to be spent with each other. This will help get the spark back.
  5. Stay connected to each other through small talks over calls or texts. This will help build communication between the couples.
  6. Tell each about your life and routine in general so that he can get a slight idea about your life.
  7. Let each other know your likes and preferences in food or places or any other as things may have changed Oliver’s time.
  8. Update each other a little about your family so that they can feel connected and close to each other.
  9. Observe and analyse his / her behaviour to know their true intentions towards you. Words can lie but behavior reveals the truth. This will help you make a decision on whether to reconcile with them or not so that you have more clarity.
  10. Give each other surprises or plan surprises for them. This will make them feel special and will help in strengthening the bond and bring back the lost spark
  11. Make sure you clear all your miss understandings which were created in past don’t give mixed signals to each other that will only  frustrate you.
  12. Avoid involving third person for decision making be it friends or family

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