Screengrab. Twitter/@susantananda3

Several incidents involving humans and wildlife have occurred in recent years. Many such incidents, ranging from animals entering a hotel to people stopping traffic to allow the animals to safely cross the road, go viral on social media regularly. To raise awareness about these instances, Indian Forest Service (IFS) officer Susanta Nanda recently uploaded a message.

IFS Susanta Nanda wrote in a post, “Please drive slowly and with extreme caution when passing through wildlife habitats.”

A tiger and its cubs can be seen crossing the road in a video he uploaded.

According to the Hindustan Times, this video was only shared a day ago, and it has received over 37,000 likes since it was posted. The video has also received over 1200 likes and many comments.

Commenting on the post, a user said, “speed breakers at known animal passing areas and underpasses will help.”

Another user wrote, “The traffic should be blocked all night.”

“Can you tell me where this is? Shouldn’t there be signs depicting wild animals?” commented a user.

Another person wrote, “Is it appropriate that the vehicles close their doors and windows well and switch their head lights off too while stopping for the animals to pass?”

With inputs from agencies

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