With the global cryptocurrency market experiencing significant turbulence, Indian Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman recently announced that the country’s G20 presidency aims to create a universal framework to tackle risks associated with cryptocurrencies. The goal is to foster cooperation among nations in order to address the challenges presented by this volatile asset class.

The recent FTX bankruptcy and the subsequent dispute with Binance led to a massive sell-off and decreased liquidity, highlighting the vulnerability of cryptocurrencies, which lack an underlying value. Sitharaman stated that the G20 India presidency will prioritise discussions on cryptocurrency risks and develop a common framework for all participating countries to address these issues. She made these comments during a discussion at the Peterson Institute for International Economics in Washington.

Furthermore, Sitharaman discussed the G20’s efforts to address the debt distress faced by middle-income and low-income countries, such as Sri Lanka and Ghana. The first G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors (FMCBG) meeting in February reached an agreement to enhance multilateral coordination between official bilateral and private creditors, in order to address the worsening debt situation and facilitate coordinated debt treatment for debt-distressed nations.

The World Bank and IMF have also initiated a roundtable on Global Sovereign Debt, with preliminary discussions taking place during the G20 FMCBG meeting in Bengaluru. Sitharaman believes that India’s G20 presidency will foster productive discussions and information-sharing on this critical issue.

As the global debt crisis grows, affecting both low-income and middle-income countries, India is pressing for solutions to tackle the heightened debt vulnerabilities faced by developing nations, resulting from ongoing geopolitical tensions and the pandemic. If left unaddressed, these vulnerabilities could lead to a global recession and exacerbate extreme poverty.

During her speech, Sitharaman also touched on India’s commitment to advancing the agendas of previous G20 presidencies and addressing issues of importance, as well as setting the stage for future G20 presidencies. She noted that emerging markets will hold the G20 presidency for three consecutive terms, with Indonesia in 2022, India in 2023, and Brazil in 2024, bringing the perspectives of emerging markets and the Global South to the forefront of G20 discussions.

In terms of India’s business environment, Sitharaman urged potential investors to explore investment opportunities in India firsthand, rather than relying on reports from individuals who lack direct experience in the country. She also outlined India’s goals for the next five years, emphasising financial inclusion and the provision of basic services, such as housing, electricity, and transportation, to all citizens.

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