It’s time to get ready for the summer season, as the sun tightens its rays and mercury rises. Summer brings with it a host of skincare challenges, as outdoor adventures and warm nights await. Maintaining glowing skin becomes the number one priority in fighting sunburns and combating too much oil. Ms Mansi Sharma, Founder, The Honest Tree by Boddess lists the essential summer skincare hacks to keep a radiant glow this season and beat the heat.

Summer Skincare Tips For Glowing Skin

Shield Your Skin with Sun Protection

The cornerstone of any summer skincare routine is sun protection. The sun’s UV rays can wreak havoc on your skin, leading to premature ageing, sunburns, and even skin cancer. To safeguard your complexion, embrace the power of sunscreen. Opt for a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher, and remember to reapply every two hours, especially if you’re sweating or swimming. Donning a wide-brimmed hat and seeking shade during peak sunlight hours also provide an additional defence against UV damage.

Hydration is Key

Summer’s scorching temperatures and increased outdoor activities can leave your skin feeling parched and dehydrated. Combat this by prioritizing hydration both internally and externally. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your skin hydrated from within. Additionally, incorporate lightweight, hydrating skincare products into your routine, such as serums and moisturizers infused with hyaluronic acid or aloe vera. These ingredients help replenish moisture levels and soothe sun-exposed skin, leaving you with a supple and radiant complexion.

Also Read: Summer Health: 5 Key Health Concerns To Watch Out For- Expert Shares

Cleanse and Exfoliate Wisely

Sweat, sunscreen, and environmental pollutants can build up on your skin during the summer months, leading to clogged pores and dullness. Combat congestion by cleansing your skin twice daily with a gentle, non-comedogenic cleanser. Look for formulations enriched with fruit enzymes or salicylic acid to help slough away dead skin cells and unclog pores without stripping away essential moisture. Additionally, incorporate exfoliation into your weekly routine to promote cellular turnover and reveal a fresh, radiant layer of skin beneath.

Embrace Lightweight Formulations

Bid farewell to heavy creams and thick foundations, and embrace lightweight formulations that allow your skin to breathe amidst the summer heat. Swap out your rich moisturizer for a lightweight gel or serum that provides ample hydration without weighing down your skin. Opt for oil-free or mineral-based makeup products to prevent clogged pores and unwanted shine. By opting for lighter formulations, you’ll not only enhance your skin’s natural radiance but also minimize the risk of breakouts and congestion.

Nourish Your Skin from Within

Achieving a radiant complexion goes beyond skincare products; it also entails nourishing your body with a wholesome diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and essential nutrients. Load up on seasonal fruits and vegetables such as watermelon, cucumber, and leafy greens, which are hydrating and packed with skin-loving vitamins like vitamins C and E. Incorporate omega-3 fatty acids from sources like fatty fish, flaxseeds, and walnuts to help maintain your skin’s moisture barrier and combat inflammation from sun exposure.

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