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In order for brands to succeed in today’s cutthroat and highly competitive digital environment, sharing the right message at the right place at the right time is paramount not just to survive but also to thrive.

The biggest gamble that brands can make is to overestimate their own capabilities, thinking that they can accomplish PR independently. To efficiently and effectively navigate the deep nuances and growing complexities of today’s global business ecosystem, the key is to hire a team of experts to construct a narrative, manage and control crises, target relevant audiences and help them own their categories.

Think of it this way: Existing is not enough. Whether your organization’s mission is to disrupt an industry or you offer a range of game-changing, cutting-edge solutions, your brand will slowly but surely dwindle down if you don’t have the professional expertise to strategically place your offerings in the market, find your demographic and build a network of clients.

This article will dive into the primary reasons why modern PR should be treated as a crucial business driver for growth, revenue generation, brand awareness and legacy building.

Related: How Modern PR Differs From Traditional PR — and Why It’s a Crucial Part of Any Successful Business Strategy

Traditional PR vs. modern PR

The difference between modern PR and traditional PR is the dramatic expansion in the number of touchpoints available for communication. Before the internet and digital platforms took center stage, marketers only had a limited selection of channels through which they could disseminate their messages — including newspapers, television, billboards, flyers and a few others.

The current PR landscape tells a vastly different story that calls for a modern, out-of-the-box approach. In a digitally interconnected world, there exists an avalanche of distribution opportunities, each offering unique ways to reach and engage with audiences. These touchpoints provide PR professionals with an unprecedented array of options to craft and deliver their narratives effectively.

Why do touchpoints matter?

Today, consumers make decisions influenced by a multitude of channels. While it’s true that certain touchpoints weigh greater importance than others, every PR pit stop offers a unique role in shaping a brand’s identity, establishing its position in the market and fostering awareness of its products or services.

Digital publications, where news and content are disseminated through online platforms, are the primary target of all PR professionals, serving as the communication epicenter of all things business. On the other hand, blogs allow for in-depth storytelling and personal engagement with readers, stripping all the stiff formalities and connecting with the audience on a granular level that’s equally relatable and informative.

Moreover, forums provide a space for community-driven conversations, where public discussions are raw, unfiltered and candid. This touchpoint gives audiences a POV through the public lens — a value that brands don’t often get from any other channels.

Naturally, social media reigns supreme in the digital age, facilitating direct and real-time interactions with a global audience. B2B brands also take this opportunity to instill excitement and ferocity in their messaging, similar to how B2C does it.

Other important touchpoints include newsletters, digital magazines, online media outlets, podcasts and video platforms — all offering innovative formats for storytelling, combining visual appeal and long-form audio content that’s accessible on-demand.

Related: 5 Ways To Tune Into The Modern PR Mindset

It starts and ends with value

In a sea of communication channels and a myriad of touchpoints, one of the biggest challenges every brand faces is standing out in each one of them. For one, consumers face a downpour of information regularly, creating a storm of noise left and right. As a result, they filter the junk and get rid of the unnecessary data that comes their way.

Now, it’s important to understand the headspace of audiences when it comes to information overload. What do they choose to consume? What do they disregard? What catches their attention? What makes them stop whatever they’re doing and want to learn more about? These questions are imperative in order for organizations to milk every opportunity at every touchpoint.

It starts and ends with value. Remember, modern audiences are smart and efficient. They can read through pretense and discern which content matters and which content simply wastes their time. Provide value to reap value — ensure that your messaging not only captures their attention but also lives up to its hype through insightful and high-quality content.

Yes, the jumping point of modern PR is quantity, but it’s quality that will enable brands to skyrocket to greater heights and unprecedented territories.

Reaping the rewards of modern PR

Modern PR serves as a protective shield for your brand, especially in the age of reputation and image. Brands can find themselves in challenging circumstances, especially with the proliferation of digital platforms — from a marketing campaign that misses the mark to a simple misstep on social media. In these critical moments, a well-thought-out PR strategy acts as a safety net, implementing crisis communication to minimize damage and safeguard the brand’s image.

Moreover, modern PR is a strategic tool for building and nurturing essential networks. A thriving organization relies on a robust network, and modern PR plays a pivotal role in fostering enduring connections. Through various means, PR professionals cultivate relationships with media outlets, stakeholders, industry leaders and journalists.

Related: 2 Keys to Gain Brand Awareness With Modern PR

Furthermore, modern PR is beyond short-term brand building; rather, it establishes a bulletproof legacy that serves as the building block for a brand’s longevity. What’s more, modern PR humanizes brands, acquainting audiences with the inspiring journeys of company founders.

From brand awareness, addressing pain points and value promotion, to legacy building, modern PR helps companies unlock doors to achieve a wider reach, better opportunities and a competitive advantage. It’s high time for businesses, big or small, to start thinking about their long-term growth and success, get rid of band-aid solutions and invest in experts to leverage their vast network of media relationships and solid PR strategies.

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