Do you know what the stars hold for you in terms of love life, career, business and personal wellness today? Well, read on to know your astrological predictions as per your zodiac sign for August 24.

March 21 – April 20
Half the day consists of receiving or making phone calls. The other half is taken up by meetings.
Cosmic tip: Regularly tidy up personal spaces, getting rid of what isn’t needed.

April 21 – May 20
Being introduced to important people makes a difference in professional life. Meet a friend for coffee.
Cosmic tip: Be grateful for this karmic cycle of good luck which begins for you.

May 21 – June 21
Have all the patience in the world if wanting to convince family about a decision. An important communication is received.
Cosmic tip: Try and grasp what brought on these sulks.

June 22 – July 23
An extremely busy day begins and ends only after 5 pm. You are constantly on your feet, rushing from here to there.
Cosmic tip: Consider all possibilities till there’s clarity.

July 24 – Aug 23
Having good health allows you to deal with so much  work..
Cosmic tip: Do what is decent and principled, even if there’s an irresistible need to react in a likewise manner.

Aug 24 – Sept 23
Find investors if wanting to start a business that requires large amounts of money. Don’t feel bound by everyday routines.
Cosmic tip: Don’t feel accountable for time spent with family.

Sept 24 – Oct 22
An unusual occurrence at home gives pause for thought. Invest money in regular safe schemes. 
Cosmic tip: Think about the deeper meaning of life as you do all daily chores.

Oct 23 – Nov 22
Accept some social invitations instead of rejecting them all.
Cosmic tip: Allow yourself to drift away into a dream world for a while, but gently pull thoughts back to awareness.

Nov 23 – Dec 22
Singles meet someone who strongly awakens those latent and unexpressed feelings. You may want to exit early from a no-profit investment.
Cosmic tip: Plan a surprise party at home.

Dec 23 – Jan 20
Think logically before making decisions. Having to work through karmic debts flows naturally into each ones life. 
Cosmic tip: Let go of those wild and impractical decisions being thought about.

Jan 21 – Feb 19
Preparing a presentation keeps you so occupied. Health is good.
Cosmic tip: Don’t give up on a relationship just yet. Employing the art of clear communication can still save it.

Feb 20 – March 20
An oft repeated wish manifests. Surprisingly, it doesn’t bring extra happiness as expected. Just be peaceful.
Cosmic tip: Make a true to life plan, not building castles in the air.

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